Optimizing Cross-Border Money Movement

As the world becomes more connected and digital-first, the flow of money has to evolve to keep up. Where does your company stand in this disruptive era of global money movement?

Discover how the rise of digital wallets1 is expected to impact global commerce.2 See how digital payments can help drive down the costs of money movement across the globe.3 And learn how Visa Direct can help businesses deliver better customer experiences and drive $2.4M in profit after 3 years.4

The Cross Border Opportunity

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[1] Visa Direct Wallet capability is under development and not yet commercially available.
[2] Worldpay from FIS, “The Global Payment Report 2022, a snapshot of the current payments landscape globally, by region and in 41 select markets”, September 2022.https://worldpay.globalpaymentsreport.com/en
[3] The World Bank Group, Remittances Prices Worldwide. June 2022.
[4] Forrester study commissioned by Visa. “The Total Economic Impact of Visa Direct.” 254 business decision makers surveyed whose organizations use real-time payment solutions across Europe and Latin America. November 2022. Based on the interviews and survey, Forrester constructed a composite company to present the aggregate financial analysis in the case study. The composite organization is in the financial technology/financial services industry, has 200 employees, and provides services in its home market (LATAM or Europe).

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