The untapped potential of SMEs in today’s digital world

The untapped potential of SMEs in today’s digital world

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are central to Europe’s economy:

99% 50+%
of businesses in Europe are SMEs3 of Europe’s GDP is generated by SMEs2

SMEs operate in an ever-evolving environment that creates new challenges daily. This evolution is driven by several key megatrends – one of which is digitalisation

Confidently navigating an increasingly digital landscape is challenging:

SMEs want to embrace digital

SMEs want to embrace digital

68% of SMEs leverage digital channels where possible2 but only 17% have fully integrated digital technology1
Many find engaging online difficult

Many find engaging online difficult

25% of SMEs lack conviction when operating online3,equating to 6.3m SMEs across Europe3

An exciting opportunity for card Issuers

SME spending in Europe is nearly 50% higher than consumers4. You can tap into this spend by aiding SMEs in crucial areas e.g., accessing real-time data.

Watch our video below to see how Visa and 9 Spokes are enabling SMEs.

(1) Unleashing the full potential of European SMEs, European Commission, Mar 20
(2) The five-step journey to SME banking transformation, EY, Jul 21,,
(3) Supporting Europe’s SMEs (highlights) – Jul 20
(4) European SME market assessment, Visa, Apr 21

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