Ready to build and accelerate your Visa Network Tokens program? Download our best practices guide for tips and insights for helping to ensure a seamless, streamlined implementation process. Discover common implementation challenges businesses face and learn strategies for overcoming them.
Driven a 4.3% increase in successful transactions1
31% reduction in fraud 2
50%+ of Visa’s top 100 merchants have implemented a network tokens program 3
* Indicates required field
1. VisaNet, Oct–Dec 2023. Visa credit and debit global card-not-present (CNP) transactions for tokenized vs non-tokenized credentials. Auth rate is defined as approved
authorizations divided by total authorization attempts based upon last attempt of a unique transaction.
2. Visa Risk Datamart, Global, FY23 Q1–Q4 Token Fraud Rate vs PAN Fraud Rate by PV. Merchant’s individual results may vary.
3. Based on internal Visa research with Visa’s Top 100 CNP merchants, May 2023