Visa’s new case study reveals how HUGO BOSS collaborated with Visa and Adyen to optimise experiences and meet their shoppers' needs.


Did you know?

Over 50% of European consumers expect personalised payment experiences when they are shopping.1

Flexible, seamless, and secure experiences are key to meeting modern customer needs, and this is especially true in the luxury commerce space.

For HUGO BOSS, delivering an effortless payment experience to their customers wherever, whenever, and however they choose to pay was a priority.

Enter Visa and Adyen.


Our latest case study explores how Visa’s network tokens and EMV® 3DS helped HUGO BOSS elevate their digital checkout journey and revolutionise payments in the luxury sector.

Want to learn why Visa and Adyen’s support was pivotal for HUGO BOSS? Unlock our case study.


Acccess our case study to find out more

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1) Consumers seek personalised, data-driven experiences, but cautious when sharing data, DIRECT COMMERCE, 2023

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